Social Security Lawyers: Does Your Medical Condition Qualify for SSDI?

According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), a 20-year old worker has a one in four chance of getting a form of disability before he reaches full retirement age. The government aims to provide for people who cannot work because of a disability through a program called Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI in the condition that their disability is qualified as per the rules set by Federal Law. The SSA determines whether a medical condition qualifies for disability claim using the “blue book”, which is a list of qualified impairments. If you need help finding out if your condition makes you eligible to receive benefits, you can turn to capable social security lawyers.

Disabled Man Working

The Medical Proof

Before the SSA gives you disability benefits, you would first need to show proof that your medical condition is real and severe enough that it impedes your abilities to work properly. The records you must present should be the most recent, covering the time from when you became disabled until the present. You can use documents like physical exams, treatment reports, MRI, CAT scans, mental health records, blood work panels, and X-rays as medical evidence.

By the Blue Book

The SSA will automatically consider an adult’s medical condition to be qualified if it is included in the official Listing of Impairments or the blue book. Cancer, various syndromes, musculoskeletal problems, sense and speech issues, neurological disorders, cardiovascular conditions, digestive tract problems, respiratory illnesses, blood disorders, immune system disorders, mental disorders, kidney disease, and genitourinary problems are automatically qualified for SSDI benefits. If your condition is listed in the blue book, you may then begin filing for benefits with the help of your trusted security disability lawyer to ensure that everything is in order and done accordingly.

Different Medical Conditions

Even if your specific condition isn’t included in the blue book, you still have a chance to qualify for benefits if it meets several of the criteria in the listing. Your condition will then be classified as “equaling a disability listing”. All the same, if your condition prevents you from working, you might be considered eligible to claim benefits. Your social security disability lawyer can help you establish your eligibility and help you re-appeal if your initial claim is denied.

Social Security Laws can be confusing for the average person. Disability lawyers from trusted firms like Jan Dils, Attorney at Law can help you in filing for the social security benefits you deserve.



What Medical Conditions Qualify for Social Security Disability or SSI?,

Medical Conditions that Qualify You for Disability Claims,

Disability Benefits, Social Security Administration

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Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law

Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law